Whether you’ve recently had a dental implant in Denver or you’re in need of repairs for an older implant in the area, you may be wondering if repairing a dental implant counts as an emergency procedure during COVID-19. 

Can you get same-day emergency care from a dentist at the office of Poulos, Somers & Marshall? In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not dental implant repairs during COVID-19 count as a dental emergency. Read on to learn more, and get the help you need.

Damage To Your Dental Implant Is A Serious Emergency: Get Immediate Help 

If there is damage to your dental implant (the titanium post that supports your implant restoration), this is a serious dental emergency, and you will need to get help from Poulos, Somers & Marshall right away. Without treatment, your implant could fail completely and cause further complications.

There are two primary ways that a dental implant can be damaged, as follows:

  • Procedure error – If your implant was not placed properly in healthy bone tissue, or there was an issue during the placement process, it may not attach to your jaw bone properly. This may result in the loosening of the implant, and total implant failure.
  • Gum disease/bone loss – This usually happens due to improper post-treatment care. If you do not brush and floss properly and care for your new implant correctly, gum disease could develop around the implant. This is known as “peri-implantitis,” and over time, it can cause your implant to loosen or fail.

Even during COVID-19, if you feel your dental implant shifting or moving, or you are experiencing serious discomfort near the implant site, this is a serious dental emergency, and you should get help from the team at Poulos, Somers & Marshall right away. Call us now at (303) 832-4867 for a same-day appointment.

Damage To Implant-Supported Restorations Is Not Usually An Emergency 

If you have an issue with an implant-supported restoration that becomes damaged or worn-out, this does not usually count as a dental emergency. 

For example, while a chipped crown would be a dental emergency if it was on a real tooth because the underlying natural enamel could become damaged and infected, a chipped implant-supported crown is not an emergency. This is because it is not protecting any underlying enamel, and you won’t experience any additional complications if it’s not treated right away.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t get help if your implant-supported restoration has been damaged. A damaged restoration can make it harder to chew and speak, and negatively affect your appearance. You should still contact the team at Poulos, Somers & Marshall to get help as soon as you can. 

The Office Of Poulos, Somers & Marshall Is Open For All Appointments In Denver – Get Help! 

You may be concerned about COVID-19 and if you can seek emergency treatment for your dental implants. We recently re-opened our doors to all patients. If you are having an issue with your implant or implant-supported restoration in Denver, The Golden Triangle, Capitol Hill, or anywhere else in Downtown Denver, we’re here to help.

Our doctors are taking every step we can to keep you safe and provide you with the emergency dental implant treatment you need during COVID-19. You can read more about our precautions, or contact us online or at (303) 832-4867 to schedule your next consultation right away.