Gum disease is an infection that affects the gums and supportive tissues around the teeth. It usually starts as a minor annoyance, like some bleeding when brushing your teeth, but it can gradually develop into more severe problems that can result in tooth loss and other complications. 

That said, is gum disease an emergency?

Not an Emergency, But It Shouldn't Be Ignored Either 

Gum disease is not an emergency but a chronic disease that will progress if left untreated. In its early stage, known as gingivitis, you will experience symptoms like red, swollen gums that bleed during brushing or flossing. 

These symptoms don't require urgent care, but you should call your dentist and schedule an appointment for periodontal care. Your dentist will remove any plaque and tartar buildup responsible for irritating your gums and causing gingivitis. They will also recommend a more thorough at-home dental care routine and the use of an antiseptic mouthwash to kill bacteria in your mouth. 

When Matters Become More Pressing 

If gingivitis is left untreated, it can advance to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. That's because periodontitis involves not just the gums but also the bones supporting the teeth. 

As the condition progresses, you will start to experience symptoms like bad breath, pain during chewing, receding gums, and eventually loss of teeth.  

The problem with periodontitis is that it can't be reversed. While you can treat gingivitis with good at-home care and regular professional cleanings, periodontal disease can only be managed through periodontal care. That means that the dentist will use various surgical and non-surgical procedures to ensure that your condition is not progressing even further. 

How to Know When You Are Dealing With a Dental Emergency? 

The following symptoms require urgent dental care and might be a result of untreated gum disease: 

  • Loose Tooth: Adult teeth shouldn't move. If you feel one of your teeth is wiggly, you should see a dentist right away to establish the cause and get swift treatment. 
  • Intense Tooth Pain: Gum disease is often accompanied by decay. If you are dealing with a severe toothache, it's best to request a same-day appointment. 
  • Tooth Abscess: A dental abscess will not only cause debilitating pain, but it can also put your life at risk. This infection can easily spread to other organs and lead to sepsis, a life-threatening condition. 
  • Swollen Jaw: A swollen jaw may indicate an infection, especially if it's followed by fever, a bad taste in your mouth, and difficulty opening your jaw or breathing. This is an emergency and you need immediate care. 

Not Sure If You Are Dealing With a Dental Emergency? 

You can always call one of the doctors at Poulos & Somers and tell them about your symptoms. Our Denver periodontists can help you establish if you are, in fact, dealing with an emergency and make room for a same-day appointment to treat you. 

Call us at (303) 832-4867 and tell us about your dental problem. 

For regular appointments, you can also get in touch online.